FAQs Related to CRP projects

Frequently Asked Questions

IBPS publishes advertisements /notifications carrying detailed Terms and conditions in connection with Common Recruitment Process on behalf of Participating Banks. The candidates are advised to go through the advertisement carefully before filling up the online application.


1. What is the educational/Age Criteria for applying for CRP selection process (RRB, PO, Clerk, Specialist officer)?

Our advertisement clearly prescribes the eligibility criteria in detail.

The candidates are requested to kindly refer to the relevant clause mentioned in the advertisement.


2. What are the dates of registration/payment of fees for online application form of CRP? 

The advertisement /notification mentions in detail about the schedule of registration /payment of fees. The candidates are requested to kindly refer to the relevant clause mentioned in the advertisement.

Keep in touch with official IBPS website regularly.


3. Ambiguity with release date for Ex-Servicemen.

Candidates are requested to follow the terms and conditions mentioned in the advertisement.


4. In specialist recruitment specify the equivalent qualification

The Qualification should be exactly as given in the advertisement

1. Provide me the link for Registration.

The candidates are requested to kindly visit the official IBPS website for the same. The link will be available during the schedule as stipulated in the respective advertisement. Candidates are advised to register much before the last date.


2. Unable to upload photo and signature, thumb & handwritten declaration.

The advertisement prescribes detailed guidelines for uploading the photo, signature, thumb and handwritten declaration. The candidates are requested to refer to relevant clause of the advertisement available on the official IBPS website for the same and ensure that the photo, signature, thumb and handwritten declaration files meet the specifications mentioned in the advertisement. 


3. Confirmation mail for registration and password not received.

Email/SMS is triggered and the same is sent to the candidates on the email ID and Mobile number registered by them in application form. Kindly check and preserve the same for future references.


4. Payment debited from the account. Registration confirmation not received.

After Payment Candidates are advised to Re-login again and take a printout of the e-receipt and online application form. Please note that if the e-receipt is not generated, online transaction may not have been successful. Then candidates are advised to login again with their registration number and password and pay the Application Fees/ Intimation Charges online.


5. What is the status of my Registration?

a) If the candidate’s registration is successful he/she has to take printout of the application form with the help of registration no. and password. 


b) If candidate’s registration/ payment is not successful; Payment gateway is expected to refund the amount in due course, if any. Kindly login again and make payment before last date of Registration. 


6. OBC category as per state but not in central list. Which category should be mentioned in the application form?

The candidates are requested to refer to the relevant clause of the advertisement available on the official IBPS website for the same.


7. Specify the year of Cast Certificate Validity

The candidates are requested to furnish the original valid caste certificate issued by the competent authority at the time of interview/document verification, failing which their candidature shall be rejected. 


8. Specify the Bar Council Certificate should be issued by all India or state wise

The candidates may note that they are required to be enrolled as an Advocate with respective State Bar Council and Bar Council of India 


9. Awaiting for final result. Can apply for the exam

Relevant Advertisement conditions are to be followed. 


10. Which percentage to be filled in application by Ex-Serviceman as there is no percentage mention in military graduation certificate?

The equivalent marks of the grade obtained in the graduation certificate to be filled. 


11. If any mandatory field is Not Applicable to a particular candidate then what can be filled in the application?

The candidates are required to fill “Not Applicable/NA” in such case.


By mistake I have submitted incorrect information (Date of Birth, Category, Name, Gender, Percentage of marks, address, mobile number etc.)

Please make these changes at your end (after final submit)

No change in the data already registered by the candidate in the online application form is possible as per the terms and conditions of the advertisement /notification. There is save and edit option available through which changes can be made in the online application prior to submission before the last date for registration. The candidates should check all the entries made by them and only then submit (Complete Registration Button) the application.

1. Forgot Registration Password

Registration Password/Registration Number have been sent to the mobile number and e mail id mentioned in the online application form. Candidates are advised to check the registration number and password. If candidate forget the password, same can be retrieved through “FORGOT PASSWORD” option on the login page during the relevant period.


2. E-mail/SMS not received for call letter.

Email/SMS is triggered and the same is sent to the candidates on the email ID and Mobile no. registered by them in the application form.


3. Cannot download the Pre-Exam training call letter.

Pre exam training call letter is only for SC/ST/Minority candidates for Officers Cadre and SC/ST/Minority /EXS/PWD candidates for clerical cadre and will not be available if the Pre-Exam training option is not opted/registered for at the time of online registration.


4. Cannot download the Exam call letter.

This may be due to unsuccessful registration/ unsuccessful payment/ incorrect login credential/s. Kindly check your credential with your application. Enter the Registration Number or Roll Number and Alpha Numeric Password (received at the time of Application Registration) or Date of Birth in the format (dd-mm-yy) e.g. (05-06-88) at the required places to download the Exam Call Letter.


5. Request for change in Centre/Venue / Date /Time.

The allotted date, time and venue for the exam cannot be changed as per the terms and conditions of the advertisement.


6. Allotted Exam center not as per selected exam center.

Candidates who opted for a particular centre of exam might not be accommodated therein for reason beyond the control of IBPS. Such candidates will be allotted other centres. Candidates have to appear for the examination at the allotted Centre only. This is clearly mentioned in the advertisement.


7. If candidate has other college/exam on same date of IBPS exam.

The candidates may note that Change of Date/session/Venue/Center is not permitted for IBPS examinations.

1. Unable to find exact location of exam centre.

The candidates are advised well in advance about the venue of the online examination. There is sufficient time available for the candidate to locate the venue of examination.


2. Not allowed to appear for exam (Late entry, ID proof, Name mismatch).

The advertisement /notification /call letter mentions in detail about the procedures/conditions to be followed for online examination .The candidates are expected to follow these guidelines to ensure uniformity.


3. Late attendance for online examinations and complaints about not permitting to attend /participate in online examination.

The reporting time for online examination is printed on the call letter. All candidates have been advised to report to the online examination venue well before the reporting time to avoid denial of entry for the online examination. In any case the candidates will not be permitted to enter the venue of the examination after the prescribed time.


4. Non-collection of call letters, signature missing in the attendance sheet:

The candidates will be allowed to enter the lab on submission/ authentication of Call letter, ID proof bearing exactly the same name and after checking the Photo ID and other identity related credentials. Secondly signatures of all the candidates present in the lab are to be obtained on the attendance list. The candidates shall note that if they do not/ forget to sign the attendance sheet, their presence will not be considered only on the basis of online exam responses.


5. Answering a Question:Frequent representations are received about the marking /saving an option /answer/response in online examination.


In this connection the procedure for answering a multiple choice type question and saving the responses are given below:

To select your answer, click on the button of one of the options

      a. To deselect your chosen answer, click on the button of the chosen option again or click on the Clear Response button

      b. To change your chosen answer, click on the button of another option

     c. To save your answer, you MUST click on the Save & Next button


To mark the question for review, click on the Mark for Review & Next button. If an answer is selected for a question that is Marked for Review, that answer will be considered in the evaluation.


6. System and server problem in examination/ Due to system problem loss of time in examination/ Re-examination.

Candidates may register complaints on Candidates Grievance Lodging and Redressal Mechanism (CGRS Portal). Such complaints are addressed on merit.


7. Lost Prelim call letter:

The candidates are requested to lodge FIR with the respective Police Station in case of loss of Call letter for Preliminary Exam and preserve the FIR copy/ Lost Document Report (LDR) for producing the same as and when required.

1. Forgot Password.

The password is shared already on the mobile number and email id registered in the online application form at the time of Registration. Candidate can also view result by using Date of Birth in the format (dd-mm-yy).


2. Invalid Login.

The qualified candidates may check the result status/ scores using their correct login credentials. Enter the Registration Number or Roll Number and Alpha Numeric Password (received at the time of Application Registration) or Date of Birth in the format (dd-mm-yy) eg. (08-06-90) at the required places to view the same.


3. What are the cut off marks?

The candidates are requested to kindly refer to the relevant notification available on official IBPS website.


4. How to calculate cut off score/Normalization method/ Equi-percentile method.

The candidates are requested to refer to the relevant clause of the advertisement available on official IBPS website for the same.


5. Not satisfied with the score mentioned in the score card. / Recheck exam score.

The candidates may register query on CGRS Portal.


6. Reason for cancellation of candidature.

The candidates are requested to refer to the relevant clause of the advertisement available on official IBPS website for the same.


7. Provide answer sheet copy/ Question paper /Right Answer key (model Answer key).

As per IBPS Policy we do not provide answer sheet / question paper/ Right Answer key (model Answer key).

1. I am not able to download my Interview call letter.

Visit official IBPS website. Candidate can download call letter with the help of Registration number and Alpha Numeric Password (received at the time of Application Registration) or Date of Birth in the format (dd-mm-yy) eg. (08-06-90) at the required places to view the same during the relevant stipulated period.

2. Reprint of application form

Reprint Link is available on official IBPS website during the relevant period.

3. Forgot password.

The password is shared already on the mobile number and email id registered in the online application form at the time of Registration. Candidate can also view interview result by using Date of Birth in the format (dd-mm-yy).

4. Request for change in Category (EWS,OBC, SC, ST, EX-SERVICEMEN, PWD)
No change in the data already registered by the candidate in the online application form is possible as per the terms and conditions of the advertisement. Before submitting the online application form, edit option may be exercised carefully.

5. Interview document related information.

The advertisement /notification /call letter elaborately indicates the list of documents to be submitted at the time of interview. The candidates are requested to refer to the relevant clause of the advertisement available on official IBPS website for the same.

6. Is it compulsory to provide Category/disability certificate as per advertisement format?

Candidates are required to submit documents as per format and terms and conditions mentioned in the advertisement /Interview call letter.

7. Panel members have not allowed me for the Interview because of not having carried Original Certificates.

The list of documents to be submitted at the time of interview have been displayed well in advance in the advertisement/notification. Hence the candidates who fail to adhere to the terms & conditions of the advertisement/interview call letter, will not be allowed to appear for the interview.

8. I have not received any communication from your end hence I could not attend interview. Please arrange interview for me.

All the candidates who have been provisionally shortlisted for interview have been intimated through email/SMS on the mobile number and email id registered for in the online application form. Furthermore, official website of IBPS is to be visited from time to time.

1. Forgot password.

The password is shared already on the mobile number and email id registered in the online application form at the time of Registration. Candidate can also view final result by using Date of Birth in the format (dd-mm-yy).


2. Review of my Interview marks.

There is no provision for review of interview marks.


3. Invalid Login.

The qualified candidates may check the result status/ scores using their correct login credentials. Enter the Registration Number or Roll Number and Alpha Numeric Password (received at the time of Application Registration) or Date of Birth in the format (dd-mm-yy) eg. (08-06-90) at the required places to view the same.


4. Not satisfied with interview marks.

Awarding of marks in interview depends upon the performance of the candidate.

1. Declare the merit list.

Kindly keep visiting official IBPS website.


2. When will the Reserve list be released? Not to hold further Exam till the Reserve list is exhausted.

The candidates are requested to kindly refer to the relevant notification available on official IBPS website. Validity of reserve list is clearly mentioned. No query in this regard shall be entertained.


3. Invalid Login Credential for Reserve list Result.

Provisionally allotted candidates have already been intimated (Email/SMS). Kindly refer the notification regarding Provisional Allotment Reserve List available in IBPS Website.


4. I got bank allotment but bank has not contacted me yet or Email/SMS not received regarding Bank appointment.

The role of IBPS comes to end after the provisional allotment. The offer of appointment is done by the bank/organization to which the candidate has been provisionally allotted. The candidates may contact the allottee Bank for appointment, IBPS has no role to play.


5. I want to change Bank Preference.

Bank preference once submitted, cannot be changed .The decision of IBPS in provisional allotment of Organizations shall be final and binding upon the selected candidates.

1. Information about IBPS.

The candidates are requested to kindly visit the official IBPS website for the same.


2. When is the next examination?

Kindly keep visiting the official IBPS website from time to time for updates.


3. Retain the same eligibility criteria for next CRP examination.

The IBPS is only a test conducting agency. The eligibility criteria like age/educational qualifications are prescribed after discussion/consultation with the Participating Organizations as per their requirements.


4. Non co-operation from the Banks.

The candidates are requested to kindly contact concerned allottee bank/organization.


5. What is the pay scale in bank job?

Information may be obtained from the Bank.


6. Why is PET not given to General candidate?

PET is provided by the Nodal bank as per the Govt. guidelines in this regard.


7. How to enroll with IBPS?

There is no general enrollment system in IBPS. Candidates can only apply to posts in Participating Organizations in response to posts advertised for, on the official IBPS website.


8. How to file RTI in IBPS?

IBPS does not come under the purview of RTI Act, 2005.


9. Query regarding results of other organisations

The concerned organization may be approached.


10. Provide syllabus/Bank Book names/Coaching/Previous Year Question papers for IBPS exam preparation

IBPS does not provide such details.

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