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IBPS is affiliated with Shreemati Nathibai Damodar Thackersey Women’s University (SNDTWU) for Ph.D. in Management Studies under the Faculty of Commerce and Management.Students allotted by the University work under the guidance of the following faculty members of the institute who have received formal recognition as guides from the University:
Prof. Vipin K Chilana
Dr. Sombala Ningthoujam
Dr. Shevata
Dr. Rupali Joshi
At present there are 11 scholars enrolled with IBPS for their doctoral degree in Management.
Relationship between tests used for officers selection in Banks and certain biographic variables
A Study on the effect of demographic factors on the performance of the candidates on different ability and aptitude tests in the clerical selection examination for recruitment to Banks
A Critical Study of the Reliability and Validity of the Battery of Selection Tests with special reference to the Relationship between Job-Performance and Job-Satisfaction of the Banking Personnel
IBPS systems have their roots in psychometric principles. The Institute carries out research and analysis on a regular basis to strengthen, fine tune and restructure its processes. Continuous analysis is carried out with regard to parameters of tests and items used in selection in order to facilitate test construction.The research undertaken by the Institute can be broadly divided into two-
Technical research pertaining to psychometrics for the Institute to fine-tune systems and to adopt best practices
Research studies to analyse demographic variables, performance in examinations to provide feedback to organisations to innovate regarding selection methodologies and procedures
The Library of the Institute is a rich and valuable resource having a vast range of magazines, books and periodicals and also well stocked with books on Psychology, Psychometrics, Psychological Measurement, Educational measurement, Management and other related subjects.
Besides, the institute has a repository of many major standardised Psychometric Tests. These instruments and inventories are used for research purposes.
IBPS has had a strong tradition of research and information sharing since its inception through the publication of in-house journal and periodicals such as Chintan, Spandan, Sajag, Suchayanika and Research Monograph. These in-house publications serve as a forum to convey and disseminate information on emerging areas, new developments and challenges in assessments as well as learnings from external programmes.
The quarterly house journal, provides information of meetings, events and activities happening in the Institute.
The half-yearly e-newsletter on risk management, titled “Sajag”, meaning ‘Watchful’ or ‘Alert’, covers risk incidents, like unfair mean problems faced during the examinations as well as positive developments, for instance quality initiatives, relating to the peer organisations in the niche sector of recruitment and promotion examinations.
An annual in-house publication, provides a platform for publication of research undertaken by faculty of the Institute as well as serving as a medium for scholarly discussion through publication of empirical research and academic articles across the spectrum of psychological testing and assessment.
The Institute publishes its annual magazine “Spandan’ to showcase creative abilities off its employees through articles, poetry and paintings.