Large Scale High Stakes Examination

IBPS has been successful in conceiving, structuring and conducting large scale high stakes examinations. The Institute conducts approximately 500 examinations every year, in over 600 sessions at over 150 centres across the country besides handling registration volumes of approximately 1 crore candidates.

Rigour in Test Construction, Administration & Result Processing

The process of assessment is designed to safeguard reliability and validity. Planning and collaboration with the key stakeholders in the process, as well as leveraging the expertise of trained in-house psychometricians and personnel help to ensure rigour in test administration, test construction, scoring and result processing.

In-house Expertise

IBPS has a dedicated team of faculty who have expertise in psychometrics, behavioural sciences, data science and measurement, as well as subject matter experts in the fields of finance, banking, management, IT, engineering etc. Faculty are trained in the development of psychometric tests and assessments. On an average IBPS handles around 1 lakh test items every year.

Action Research and Psychometric methods

IBPS also seeks to ensure precision in assessment by adopting practices backed by action research and psychometric methods.

Computer Based Test (CBT)

IBPS has successfully transitioned from paper-pencil tests to Computer Based Test (CBT) administration with the inherent advantages of improved precision in test presentation, response reporting, scoring and evaluation of data. Since 2012, IBPS has been administering large scale high stakes assessments through CBT and since 2014 all IBPS examinations are being conducted through CBT.

Comprehensive, Accurate, Fair and Objective Evaluation

One of the hallmarks of IBPS functioning is ensuring that assessment and evaluation is comprehensive, accurate, fair and objective. The Institute achieves this mission by ensuring its processes constantly evolve through experimentation and refinements in the system taking care of all stages of the selection process with due consideration to detail.

Drawing upon research, theory and experience, IBPS strives to understand the strengths and challenges of assessment procedures in order to successfully deliver tests across diverse geographical locations all over India and at international locations smoothly and in a uniform and timely manner.

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